Know About Archery Range in Melbourne through Most Equipped Clubs

To set up an archery range in Melbourne, whether your aim is private hunting or competition, it’s very important that you do it in the right manner. While this is a fairly straight forward endeavour, you will find that in order to practice good safety and to make sure that the chances of someone getting hurt are absolutely minimal, you will find that it is important to keep a few things in mind.

The biggest requirement for an archery range in space. At a minimum, you will need a shooting lane that is at least 25 yards long and 30 inches across. An outdoor range is usually the most efficient use of space, however, a long hallway or driveway can suffice as long as precautions are taken to build an adequate backstop and protect the firing lane from passers-by, pets, and obstacles. If building your range outdoors, you will need a sufficient backstop for overshot arrows, or at least another 25 yards of visibility behind the target.

Always check before you fire onto a range and make sure that anyone else who is shooting is doing so as well. Stay behind the firing line and make sure that you keep an eye on anything moving.
